Catholic Cemeteries of Long Island has placed candle racks throughout our community mausoleums for memorialization. Candle memorials can be purchased online (see below) or at the cemetery office. Different candle options are available depending on the cemetery and mausoleum building.
White Candles appear in the following cemeteries and community mausoleums:
- Cemetery of the Holy Rood: Holy Rood Chapel Mausoleum (HRC) – Phase 2 and Phase 3 only
- Holy Sepulchre Cemetery: Our Lady of the Rosary Mausoleum (OLR)
White Candles may be memorialized for 2 Years. To order a candle, please select one of the following options:
- White Candle with No Photo – New Order ($225)
- White Candle WITH Photo – New Order ($250)
- White Candle Renewals – Renewal Code Required
Red Candles appear in the following cemeteries and community mausoleums:
- Cemetery of the Holy Rood: Assumption Chapel Mausoleum (ACM) and Holy Rood Chapel Mausoleum (HRC) – Phase 1 only
- Holy Sepulchre Cemetery: Holy Sepulchre Chapel Mausoleum (HSC) and Holy Cross Garden Mausoleum (HS3)
- Queen of All Saints Cemetery: All Mausoleum buildings
To order a candle, please select one of the following options:
- Red Candle for 1 Year – New Order ($100)
- Red Candle for 2 Years – New Order ($200)
- Red Candle Renewals – Renewal Code Required
For more information on our candle memorial program, please contact the cemetery office to speak with a Customer Sales & Service Representative.