Below are links from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) with detailed information on Catholic Funeral Rites.

Bereavement and Funerals

An Overview of Catholic Funeral Rites

Blessing of Parents after a Miscarriage or Stillbirth

Cremation and the Order of Christian Funerals

Funeral Readings for Children who Died before Baptism

Readings for the Funeral Liturgy

Gospel Acclamations

Gospel Acclamations (Baptized Children)


Gospels (Baptized Children)

Music at Funerals

Non-Catholic Readers at Funeral Mass

Old and New Testament Readings (Baptized Children)

Readings from the New Testament(Baptized Children)

Readings from the Old Testament

Prayers for Death and Dying

Readings from the New Testament

Readings from the New Testament during Easter Time

Responsorial Psalms

Responsorial Psalms (Baptized Children)